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New month, new discounts!




New Month, New Discounts!


Yes, we are still retiring and closing the shop, but it’s time to "move the discount".



30% OFF

As we continue our retirement sale, we have some new discounts for you beginning today, October 7th.


30% off all regular priced, in-stock merchandise. AND . . . If you finish any bolt of fabric (regular priced or clearance room), you’ll get an additional 5% off!

The Clearance room still has great discounts.  If you finish a clearance room bolt, you will receive an additional 5% off the discounted price.  All other Clearance room items are the price they are marked.







Do you still have kits from an old Block of the Month to pick up? After we close, these kits will no longer be available and you will not be able to complete your project.  Please pick them up as soon as possible. 










 As books, patterns, and fabric continue to sale out, we have a few store samples for sale.  They will be priced as marked with no further discounts.  AND – you must bring cash or check as they will not be put through the register, but will be paid to the person who made them. 








Classes yet to come

When signing up for a class, make sure you have all the required supplies as we are out of a lot of items.  If it is a class requirement, an order may still be placed, but it must be done right away so that it will come in for the class, BUT, you have to let us know immediately, not the day of the class.





Wool Appliqué Basics – Let’s Get Started!

Are you intrigued by wool appliqué, but never tried it? Do you need a refresher course on the basics of wool appliqué? This class is for you! Once you understand the basic techniques used in wool appliqué, you will be able to create beautiful handwork pieces.


Wool Appliqué Basics – 

Let’s Get Started!

Date: October 16th 

Time: 1:00-4:00 p.m.

Cost per attendee: $40

Instructor: Sherry Bukovatz

Click HERE to sign up and for the supply list






Date:  October 16th

Time:  1:30 – 2:30

Cost:  $20.00

Instructor:  Christina

Sign up HERE





Brazilian Embroidery

Dates:  Oct. 17th or Nov. 6th

Time:  1:30 – 4:30

Cost:  $40.00

Instructor:  Kaye

Sign up HERE




Beginning Embroidery

Date:  October 30th

Time:  2:30 – 4:30

Cost:  $30.00

Instructor:  Kaye

Sign up HERE



Advanced Embroidery

Date:  October 31st

Time:  2:00 – 4:00

Cost:  $30.00

Instructor:  Kaye

Sign up HERE




Stripology Basics

Ann and Sherry are back for one more time of teaching this very informative class.  Looking for a way to quickly and accurately cut fabrics for a quilt project? Stripology rulers just might be the answer.

Stripology Basics

Date:  November 19th

Time:  10:30 – 2:00

Cost:  $35.00

Instructor:  Ann and Sherry

Sign up HERE







October Sew Days

Wednesday – October 23rd

Thursday – October 24th

Friday – October 25th

Saturday – October 26th



October Quilt Camp

October 9th – 12th





Wednesday – Nov. 6th

Thursday – November 7th

Friday – November 8th

Saturday – November 9th





Click HERE to view all classes


·         Twilling – Wednesday,  September 25th

·        October Quilt Camp:  Oct. 9th – 12th

·        October Sew Days – see above

·        November Sew Days – see above