By: Primitive Gatherings
And Moda Fabrics
Now in Stock
Precuts arriving soon:
FQ Bundles
Fat 8th Bundles
Charm Packs
Mini Charms
Beginning Hand Embroidery Class
If you would like to brush up on your embroidery skills or are a first time learner, this class will give you the confidence to jump in and get started
When: Thursday, August 15th
Time: 2:30 – 4:30
Cost: $30.00
For more information and to sign up click HERE |
Coloring Embroidery Blocks Class
Learn the coloring techniques that Crabapple Hill Studio uses to make their beautiful embroidery blocks
Learn the coloring techniques that Crabapple Hill Studio uses to make their beautiful embroidery blocks
When: Thursday, August 29th
Time: 2:00 – 4:00
Cost: $25.00
For more information and to sign up click HERE
Think Fall (Autumn) and Plan ahead
New Hand Appliqué Class Taught by Paula Dornenburg
Paula will be teaching a 2 or 3 session class on the different techniques used to do beautiful hand appliqué. The classes will meet on Saturday afternoons. The book Simply Successful Applique by Jeanne Sullivan will be required and is the basis for this class. More information will be available soon, but start thinking about this wonderful opportunity.
Paula has over 15 years applique experience and has had her work featured in the October 2020 Baltimore Applique Society newsletter. Her quilt “A Legacy Intertwined” was accepted in the special exhibits at the Houston International Quilt Festival in 2021 and most recently won Best of Show and 1st place at the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival in 2023. She had the great privilege of studying under Wanda Hizer while living in Marietta GA from 2006-2016 where she learned Baltimore Album techniques taught from Elly Sienkiewicz’s books. She has continued her studies under several other instructors as well, learning Broderie Perse which has now become a new love of hers. Teaching others the fine art of needle turn hand applique is a passion that Paula looks forward to sharing with her students. Paula is a member of the Baltimore Applique Society (BAS), The Applique Society (TAS), and the Kaw Valley Quilt Guild.
Click HERE to view all classes
· Cupcake Cuddle Pillow: Saturday, August 3rd
· Quilt Camp: Wed – Sat August 7th – 10th
· Beginning Embroidery: Thursday, August 15th
· Wednesday Sew Day: August 21st
· Thursday Sew Day: August 22nd
· Friday Sew Day: August 23rd
· Saturday Sew Day: August 24th
· Coloring Embroidery Blocks: Thursday, August 29th