Lemonade Time
(It's never too early to think spring)
“Cheater fabric” - make an adorable baby quilt or springtime lap quilt by simply quilting the fabric |
This pattern uses 2 Honey Buns (1 ½” strip sets) plus background yardage
Quilt measures: 48 1/2" x 57 1/2"
Pattern arrives soon
New Block of the Month
Beginning March 1st
by Pin & Proper
12 months – $14.95 per month
Wool appliqué on luscious flannel backgrounds
Come in or call the shop
(785-542-2080) now to sign up as there is a limited number of spots
Brazilian Embroidery Class
Thursday, February 1st
1:30 – 4:30
Cost: $40.00
Brazilian Embroidery adds DIMENSION to your embroidery work. Learn some new techniques using the beautiful EdMar Rayon embroidery floss. This class will cover many of the stitches from the book “The Art of Dimensional Embroidery”
Click HERE to sign up
Guide Dogs for the Blind - Fundraiser
Get Ready to meet Lantern and Kim

Meet Kim and Lantern

From the book SIMPLER SAMPLER By Kim Diehl
Wool appliqué and pieced by Christina DeArmond
Quilted by Eula Lang
Kim Stanley is one of our dear employees. Unfortunately, she lost her sight almost three years ago. This past November she had the privilege of getting a seeing Eye Dog. She doesn’t have to pay for Lantern (the dog); however, the organization Guide Dogs for the Blind accepts donations to help cover the cost. Therefore we are hosting an event to raise money for Guide Dogs for the Blind to support their life-changing mission.
We have a raffle quilt that will be given away at 5:00 on Wednesday, February 21st. Kim and Lantern will be at the shop all day for you to come meet and greet. Tickets are available NOW so if you aren’t able to come to the shop on the 21st, you may purchase them early. Also, a portion of our proceeds from the day’s sales will be donated to this organization.
You many also make a donation by going to our website and clicking on the link to donate
SPREAD THE NEWS! Do you know someone that’s always wanted to quilt but is afraid to take the first step? These Symphony Block of the Month classes are the perfect starting place.
Symphony is a batik quilt that finishes at 66” x 78”. On the first Friday of each month, there will be a class to learn a new technique to make that month’s block. The techniques are different each month and build on each other. The kit is mandatory for the class and it includes the pattern and all the fabric to make the quilt top.
Each class meets on the first Friday of each month from 6:00 – 8:00 (or 8:30) and you must sign up in advance. The price for each class is $15.00 and this enables you to receive a 15% discount on anything purchased for the class. Limited spaces available
Click HERE to go to sign up
* Beginning Wool Applique: Thursday, February 1st
* Brazilian Embroidry: Thursday, February 1st
* Coloring Embroidery Blocks: Thursday, February 8th
* Wednesday Sew Day: February 14th
* Thursday Sew Days: February 15th and 22nd
* Friday Sew Days: February 16th and 23rd
* Saturday Sew Days: February 17th and 24th