Mark your calendar
Jennifer McClanahan will be here on Wednesday, June 14th from 10:00 – 12:00
She will be signing patterns and bringing her latest pattern with her. She will also bring a few of her newest quilts for you to see in person.
Jennifer McClanahan is a Pattern Designer, a mother of 3 amazing children, a loving wife and a grandmother. She spent the majority of her childhood in beautiful Southern Indiana, always doing something creative. Growing up Jennifer was surrounded by multiple generations of sewers including a grandmother who is still quilting away in her 90’s. A few years of graduating she married her high school sweetheart, left Indiana and traveled the world with her Navy husband and kiddos. She credits her world travels for expanding her creativity and influencing her modern aesthetic and bold style.
After Jennifer’s hubby retired from the Navy the opportunity to create Sweet Tea Pattern co. presented itself and she rose to the challenge. Jennifer feels blessed and lucky that she can spend her days in her studio doing what she loves - creating, sewing and quilting. When Jennifer is not in her studio, you can find her binge-watching reality TV, playing games with her family and hanging out with her grandkids.
Her current patterns we have in stock are:
***Click on any image to go directly to the website***
Natures Journey
Block of the Month
Started: April 2023 so we are currently on month 3, but you can still sign up by calling the shop
8 Month BOM program
$19.95 per month
BOM price includes pattern and all fabric and pearl cotton to complete quilt top along with the binding. Finished size 57-1/2in x 60-1/2in
The shop sample and kits are done in the blueish/greenish color way shown on the left
BURROWS & BOUGHS Block of the Month
By Jen Kingwell Designs
No Information available at this time, but we will let you know more as soon as the information is available
Coming Soon
(approximately June 5th)
What could be sweeter than 26 little sheep faces saying hello and welcome home? Very basic embroidery stitches and a limited color palette make this such an easy quilt to stitch! I've used blacks and greys, but you could just as easily use a range of pinks… or blues… or greens… or whatever your heart desires! The piecing is easily within the reach of any beginning quilter. Give it a go, and you'll have a flock of your own!
Quilt measures 48 1/2" square
Full pattern set: $27.00
NOW on Sale
Limited number available
Thank you to all who participated in the shop hop. We hope you had a great time and were able to visit a bunch of cool quilt shops.
- Twilling – Thursday, June 2nd
- Quilt Camp – Wed-Sat, June 7th – 10th
- Wednesday Sew Day – Wednesday, June 21st